Now, I haven't come out and asked anyone, but I know for a
fact that everyone's "concerned" about me because...1) I look all pathetic, walking out in the
elements, and 2) I don't have my own
God-given head covering (i.e., I'm bald).
Now here's the part that's almost too embarrassing to blog about. The reason
I refuse to wear a hat on my walk to work
is because a hat would mess up the hair I supposedly don't have. That's right.
Secret's out. Even bald guys can
worry about their hair. Not Captain
Picard bald or Michael Jordan bald. I'm
talking about the horseshoe & donut guys—guys with a half head of hair (or
thereabouts). I've pretty much stopped
telling people about my hair issues because they all laugh & think I'm
being silly. But it's what I see in the
mirror & it can't be helped.
I will say that if this blog was about Wade's Walk to Home, it'd be a different story.
It'd be all about caps, because when I'm home I couldn't care less what
my hair looks like. Bozo the Clown
hair? Fine with me...but not at work.
Exceptions: If memory
serves me correctly, I've worn a cap to work about 5 times in the past 11
years. Each time, the temp's been in the
neighborhood of zero. Got to draw the
line somewhere. And for those extra rare
occasions, I have a hairbrush hiding in my desk drawer to fix what the cap
messed up. Go ahead, make fun.
P.S. I'm beginning
to wonder if our town's becoming more litter conscious. There's hardly any trash out there to pick
up. Not complaining...just sayin'. All I could find today was a straw wrapper—an
item so small I'd normally not even notice.
P.P.S. For the
record, Julie has knit me several stocking caps over the years. She even made me a one-of-a-kind Longhorns
cap for Christmas, which wasn't easy. Burnt
Orange yarn is hard to come by. I love
every one of the caps & wear them all the time...just not on my walk to
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