I preached to the squirrels this morning. For the backstory on this story, see post
from Mar. 14th. There were only 4 within
preaching distance. I said to each one: "Praise
God, little squirrel." That was
all. The thing I like about squirrels
vs. birds is...birds immediately fly away the split second they see you
coming. Squirrels, though, may just
skitter a few feet away & stare at you while they nibble on their
acorn. They at least seem attentive as
they nibble—all set for a sermon. And as
long as you don't head straight at them, they're fine. The harder part was thinking of things they
should praise Him for... With birds it
was easy: He gave them wings to fly,
after all. Squirrels? He gave them strong teeth that can chew
through the wood siding on my house!
Let's not 'go there.' He also
gave them claws & agility that allows them to climb trees & power lines
like they're on the ground. It's truly a
gift. So, if you're reading this, and
you're a squirrel, "Praise Him!"
P.S. Grabbed a half
of a styrofoam Sonic cup from the side of White Ave.
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