On the walk, I barely noticed signs of those coming
colors. One of the first houses I passed
had two large bushes with the tiniest pinkish-red blooms. Saw at least one more like it before reaching
campus. One other bush had yellow
blooms—tiny enough to not be noticed (I don't think) by drivers. Flowers were also in short supply. Two yards had yellow flowers (common variety,
with a name most people would know, but not me). Oh, and there was of course some green out
there. Like the smell of fresh air, it's
easy to overlook green. Most lawns had
at least some. All in all, this is
definitely an experiment worth revisiting...in about a month.
Along the way I got the chance to say something to one of
the city's recycling guys. As usual,
they came by our house before I left.
But I caught up to them later as they stopped to get someone else's stuff. It's a fairly thankless job, I imagine. But not today. Thanks to being on foot, and thanks to
walking within a few feet of the guy, I got to say, "Thanks!"
Noticing notes: Scary Dog, Missing Ms. Raker, Scary Weather,
Wind, Fresh Air, Green
P.S. Found a McD's
double cheeseburger wrapper near the library side door. It looked like it'd been mauled a bit by some
animal. Thankfully, I only had to carry
it for about 15 seconds. Washed my hands
for at least 30!
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