So there's a new pope.
And he's chosen the name of Francis, presumably in homage of the widely
renowned saint. I, personally, like the
sound of that...because St. Francis was a walker. He could've easily had a blog about walking,
and it would've been a much more interesting read than this one. For example, he was known to stop a walk
(making his fellow walkers wait) and give sermonettes to birds. He would ask the birds to listen & would
say things, like "Birds, you should praise your Creator very much...love
Him...He gave you feathers to clothe you, wings to fly...made you noble among
his creatures...gave you a home in the glorious sky...He protects you,
etc." So if you're ever shopping
for a bird bath & see St. Francis chiseled into it—that's why.
With that in mind, my walk-to-work goal this morning was to "preach"
to every bird I saw, St. Francis-style.
I never stopped like he did.
Preached on the move. And my
sermon was much briefer. I kept it
simpler than St. Simplicity himself.
"Praise God!" was my message.
Occasionally, I added "...little birdie." About 15 sermons total. I never shouted out loud in hopes that the
birds might actually hear me. Didn't use
my "preacher voice." I did say
the words aloud, though. The audience
was anything but captive. All but a few of the birds were in flight at
the time. One thing I realized was how seldom I look
upward when I walk—and up is where
most of the birds were. So I got a
little disoriented a time or two.
The closest I got to the birds was about 4 feet. There were 3 robins in the library's patio
area, hanging out behind a wall...so they didn't see me coming. They took off as soon as I turned the corner,
but not before a quick sermon, "Praise God, birds!" How on earth did Francis get an
audience? There must be a bit of
exaggeration in that story somewhere.
Yunno, I rarely ask readers to try something that I've tried
on my walks...but I'm going to this time.
I can't explain the feeling I experienced asking God's creatures to
praise Him. It was surprisingly
uplifting. It reminded me of the 2nd to
last Psalm in our Bibles—with this exhortation: "Praise the Lord from the
earth...wild animals and all cattle, creatures that crawl and flying birds." (Psalm 148:7-10). So try it.
It's not just Franciscan, it's Biblical!
P.S. Picked up a
clear, plastic cup from the lawn near the art bldg. It had frozen liquid in it that looked like a
lot like beer.
P.P.S. My dream is to
one day see a pope preaching to the birds.