It made me think of my own family's decision to live close
enough to campus for me to walk. I
remember how difficult it was on our realtor (poor guy). He had all these neat houses in our price
range that he just knew we'd
like—houses that were across town or just outside of town. I'm sure he wondered, "What's the big
deal with being close to campus, anyway?"
It's a cultural thing for the most part.
Counter-cultural, that is. Was
our house the nicest we could've bought in town? Most bang for our buck? Not even close. But it was close to several things we could
walk to...campus, post office, pharmacy, grocery store, a hardware store, and even
an auto repair shop. Like family #2
(above), we get a lot of our exercise naturally,
without having to drive to a gym or a park, etc. All because of a tough 'decision' we made 11
years ago. I reaped the benefits this
morning—on my walk to work.
P.S. Cleaned up the Taco
Bell cup that I chose not to pick up on Monday.
Glad you have returned to the blog world! :)